FreeCAD BCF-Plugin development blog

Blog to the development of the BCF FreeCAD plugin.

Schema Constraints Revisited

In an older post, one or two weeks back, I've written about a design issue I was facing when trying to integrate the constraints of extensions.xsd into my class model. extension.xsd defines possible values for the XML nodes:

  • TopicType
  • TopicLabel
  • TopicStatus
  • SnippetType
  • Priority
  • Stage

I wanted to ensure that the variables, representing let's say TopicType, can only assume valid values, as defined in extension.xsd. My first idea was to just define Enums following the schema. Generally this idea is fine but it doesn't do so well with version changes. A new version of the BCF-XML standard would then possibly require more maintenance work than necessary. My aim with this BCF plugin for FreeCAD is it to create a data model that requires as little maintenance work as possible, although the code still has to be adapted to support any new version.

From the maintenance point of view hardcoded enumerations were not really an option.

The next idea was to create something like dynamic enumerations. These would have the advantage that the constraint is enforced (i.e.: a variable holding an enumeration value can only hold a valid value as defined in the enumeration itself). I knew it was possible to change a class object (not the object of a class) during runtime and add or remove members from it. I thought maybe this is also possible with classes that derive from Enum. In python to create an enumeration you just have to define a class like this:

from enum import Enum

class Example(Enum):
  VAL1 = 1
  VAL2 = 2

The first obstacle was that classes can only derive from a class (that itself derives from Enum) iff they don't introduce new members. Otherwise this would break some invariants the python interpreter has over enumerations. The second obstacle was a logical implication of the first: if subclasses couldn't add new members to an enum-super-class then it is also not possible to add new members to enumerations during runtime.

So another solution had to be thought of. I maintained the basic structure I had envisioned for the dynamic enumeration solution. Namely one superclass called SchemaConstraint and one subclass for each of the above mentioned XML nodes. Every piece of code that wants to represent one of these XML nodes would store an object of one of the subclasses in a variable of type SchemaConstraint. The actual value of the object is stored in a class variable, value, that holds just any value of type string. This approach of course has the downside that basically any value can be assigned to the variable value, if not restricted. In order to change this I made the class variable value a property where the setter checks whether the new value is actually a valid value.

Now the question arises: How does the setter function know which value is valid? Every node has different valid values!

To solve this issue I introduced, for one, the list validValues into SchemaConstraints (value does also reside there) and, for the other, a static function called parseConstraints(elementName). This static function reads the valid values for the XML node elementName from extension.xsd and returns them as list. parseConstraints() is intended to be called from the __init__() function of each one of the sub classes (e.g.: TopicType.__init__()). To make things clearer I put a small code example below showing the classes SchemaConstraints and TopicType as well as all the members of both classes.

class SchemaConstraint:
  def __init__(self, value, validValues):
    self.value = value
    self.validValues = validValues

  def value(self):

  def value(self, newValue):

  def validValues(self):

  def validValues(self, newValue):

  def parseConstraints(elementName):

class TopicType(SchemaConstraint):
  def __init__(self):
    validValues = SchemaConstraint.parseConstraints("TopicType")
    super(TopicType, self).__init__(validValues[0], validValues)

One important thing to note here is that the setter method of validValues has just one line which contains pass. This is done in order to ensure that the set of valid values does not get overwritten, at least not that easily.

This solution has, for one, the advantage of being adaptable, in case new values get added to the list of valid values and, for the other, through the setter function of value it can be enforced that the state of an object is always valid.